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ПРАЙС ООО Благовест Плюс

ЗаголовокПРАЙС ООО Благовест Плюс
The company "Blagovest Plus" Ltd. offers products of high quality in the following assortment: buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, peas (crushed, whole), wheat flour 1/premium grade, sugar, sunflower oil and products processing of sunflower seed meal, oil cake, wheat bran products processing under brand name "Donskaya Gildiya".
Products of our own brand "Donskaya Gildiya" is an optimal combination of high quality and reasonable price. We are pleased to offer you co-operation for mutual benefit: flexible price policy, the possibility of significant discounts depending on volume of orders.
We ask you to confirm receipt of our letter of notification whether you are interested in it our offer or not.
1. Buckwheat Standard packing 800g. 23.00 rubles
2. Rice groats Standard packing 800g. 20.50 rubles
3. Rice groats GOST 22.00 rubles per 1 kg
4. Buckwheat Standard 22.50 rubles per 1 kg
5. Peas Standard 14.00 rubles per 1 kg
6. Sugar Standard 28.20 rubles per 1 kg
7. Sunflower oil GOST 42.20 rubles per 1 kg
8. Millet Standard 13.50 rubles per 1 kg
9. Groats (barley, wheat), GOST 14.50 rubles per 1 kg
The price includes VAT without shipping and discounts for the purchase of goods more than 100 tons
Director of "Blagovest Plus"Ltd.
JG Titovich
This offer is valid until 25.08.2012.
Объявление подано17.08.2012

Контактная информация
город: Аксай
телефон: 8-918-516-83-93
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